Wednesday, May 19, 2010


*** Genesis 1:26 and the Hebrew Noun "Elohim" ***

Is it really “uni-plural”?

Elohim Plural or Singular Genesis 1:25?

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Gen 1:26

And God said, Let us make man in our image after our likeness…

Gen 1:27

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him …

Gen 1:29

And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb…

It is also claimed that the HebrewElohim’ is a uniplural or collective noun and that such nouns (e.g. the English noun ‘crowd’) often govern singular verbs. This claim contradicts leading Hebrew grammars, which claim that throughout the OT and when referring to the true God, the Hebrew noun 'Elohim' behaves as a singular noun, and governs only singular verbs, singular adjectives and singular pronouns. And only when 'Elohim' refers to a number of pagan gods or humans (e.g. judges), that it behaves as a plural noun; and then governs plural verbs, plural adjectives and plural pronouns. So grammatically ‘Elohim’ is never a collective (uniplural) noun. That in reference to the true God, the nounElohim’ is singular, is well illustrated in Genesis 1:29, where this noun governs the singular pronoun ‘I’.

So grammatically, too, there is no justification for claiming that in Genesis 1:26 'God' (Elohim) denotes more than one God Person. Indeed throughout the OT ‘Elohim’ always denotes just one God Person. Let’s now examine the claim that in Genesis 1:26 ‘Elohim denotes more than one God Person from a biblical basis.

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